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Must see

The village of Calcata

Perched on a tuffaceous spur over the Treja valley, the medieval village of Calcata, in the province of Viterbo, is only 25 kilometers from hu I Pini village.

Its origins date back to the Falisco people, coeval with the Etruscans, who saw their heyday in this area between the 7th and 6th centuries B.C.

Today Calcata is a Medieval village able to give atmospheres that now seem forgotten.

Inside the village, in fact, cars are absolutely not allowed (they can be parked in the appropriate spaces below the village and continue with a short walk) and beyond the walls of Calcata the telephone receives no signal. You will have the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the tranquility as you walk through the quaint old town, visit the small local stores or admire the panorama of Sabina and its verdant forests.

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